Thursday, December 7, 2017

A641.8.3.RB- Personal Balance Sheet

As an accountant, the idea of a personal balance sheet intrigued me. According to Strittin (2015), individuals are similar to businesses in that we have assets (strengths) and liabilities (weaknesses). I began to wonder what my balance sheet would look like. In my personal opinion, would my strengths outweigh my weaknesses? Would this assignment help me to realize the weaknesses that I need to work to correct?

One of my distinctive strengths is honesty. When I was about five years old, I got caught in a lie I told my parents. I thought it was a good idea to tell my mom that my dad said it was okay to go outside and play and my dad that my mom said the same thing. My five-year-old mind did not put together that they would probably talk to each other at some point during my outside adventure. When I got back inside, I was questioned about my actions. I told another lie which turned into another which created a continuous pattern. After being punished and grounded, I realized that it is much easier to just tell the truth. When the truth is told, you do not have to think about what you said or who you said it to. Everything is much easier that way. This lesson taught me that I should always be honest and it is a concept that I have tried to adhere to since I was a child.

Another one of my strengths is compassion. I have always felt deeply for everyone in my life and do my best to be there for each of them. According to Williams (2016), individuals who lead with compassion encourage trust and the well-being of others. I have always believed people are important, so I want to prove that I care about them over an opinion they may hold or the job they perform. We are all here together, so we should treat others with empathy. Another strength along the same lines as compassion is respect. I was taught at an early age to show everyone the same amount of respect. I remember my father telling me to display the same level of respect to the groundskeeper at the school as I did to the principal. This lesson has stuck with me for years. I have learned that to earn respect you must give respect and as a leader, respect leads to trust, comradery, and eventually production. If I believe that I will earn respect because of my title, then I will quickly fail.

One of my potential strengths is positivity. I have mentioned in previous blogs that I would like to be the positive part of people’s day. I want to treat them with optimism and kindness and leave a positive mark on their day. However, there are times where I get caught up in my own life or world and miss opportunities to deliver kindness. I was recently in the grocery store and was lost in my own thoughts. Because I was not paying attention, I walked past a woman trying to get something off the top shelf. As I turned the corner of the aisle, it occurred to me what happened. I quickly turned around to help her but missed my opportunity.

Another potential strength is my anticipation. There are times when I can anticipate what actions need to be taken and put myself in a good position. On the other hand, there are times where I fail to focus on anticipation and create a negative situation. As a leader, I must learn to anticipate the actions of my department and how these actions may affect my organization. According to Wink (2013), leaders should attempt to plan for every scenario.

One of my enduring dispositions is my hard work and desire to be perfect. I only know one speed and have a habit of not slowing down or resting until my duties are finished. My yearning to complete things helps me get through the various activities and hoops thrown at me during everyday life and I do not know how I would get things completed without this drive toward perfectionism.

When I began this exercise, I thought that I would list more liabilities than assets because one of my weaknesses has always been self-doubt. I not only have a huge fear of failure but I also am full of insecurity. I always believe that I am going to not only fail but go down in flames while I am failing. Self-doubt is a common theme in my self-discovery writings and one that I must work to negate.

Another weakness that I have is the negative way I view myself. I mentioned that positivity as a potential strength that I possess, but I fail to view myself in a positive light. For a long time, I did not see much value in myself. I never thought I was good enough or smart enough to succeed. This negativity has always kept me in a box (or my comfort zone). One thing I am working to change is how I view myself. According to Gordon (2015), positivity helps us see the bigger picture. I am smarter and better at my job than I give myself credit for so I need to begin to view myself in a positive manner.

Another weakness that I have become more aware of recently is recollection. There are times where I will have a conversation with my boss, coworker, or girlfriend and attempt to actively listen. However, when I get back to my desk, I have trouble recalling something they said. This weakness more than likely has to do with the listening blocks of rehearsing or filtering (Tang, 2011). I would like to change my communication deficiencies in an effort to not only be an improved listener but also retain the information discussed. Another weakness that is related to my lack of retention is my inability to receive proper coaching. There are times I will be given great advice but I try to spin it into my own words and misconstrue the coach’s advice. Once again, I believe this comes down to properly listening and understanding.

One disposition that could get in my way, and I know this may sound weird, is that I am too nice. I have noticed that when I am in a store looking at an object (let’s say it is cereal) and another individual comes to that section then I will move to allow them to pick out their choice of cereal. I try to accommodate everyone at all times but have noticed that this behavior can become a weakness. There have been individuals that I have worked with that try to take advantage of my nice behavior. I do not want to shy away from my behavior of being nice, but I also need to know when to stand up for myself.

A final disposition that could get in my way is my perfectionist tendencies. I also stated that my tendency to be perfect was a strength that kept me going. However, I must know when to slow down. I must understand when to let go of perfectionism. There are times when I take on too much and still attempt to be perfect. Sometimes, for my sanity, I must remember the advice from Frozen and let it go.

This personal balance sheet has allowed me to view and discuss my strengths and weaknesses. I understand that there are various strengths that I could display more often, but I feel comfortable with my strengths. My weaknesses, on the other hand, tend to hold me back. I must learn to be view myself in a more positive manner and relinquish the self-doubt if I am going to continue to grow.


Gordon, J. (2015). The power of positivity. Retrieved from

Strittin, D. (2015). Self-discovery assignment: Your personal balance sheet. Retrieved from

Tang, Q. (2011). The twelve blocks to listening. Retrieved from

Williams, R. (2016). Why we need more empathetic and compassionate leaders. Retrieved from

Wink, J. (2013). The action of anticipation. Retrieved from

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